
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Children Will be so Pious That People Will Give Examples

Ubqari Magazine - January 2013

Children Will be so Pious That People Will Give Examples

There is this verse of surah Furqan, which is listed below. There is a woman I know who had grave misunderstandings with her husband. But they didn’t take divorce. Both of them separated from each other. They had only one son. When she came to her parent’s house she found that both of her brothers are extremely extravagant. She got quite upset that how will she groom her son. Someone told her to recite a tasbih of   رَبَّنَا ہَبْ لَنَا مِنْ اَزْوٰجِنَا وَ ذُرِّیّٰتِنَا قُرَّۃَ اَعْیُنٍ وَّ اجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِیْنَ اِمَامًا ﴿فرقان۷۴﴾   once in the morning and once in the evening every day and told her that her son would be so nice and pious that everybody would quote his examples. She started doing this deed. She said that whoever she told about this deed, their children also became nice and pious. His name is Ahsan. He came to teach my son. Now he studies in Oxford University. This child memorized Quran while he was an under-graduate student. He has done a scholarly course of Arabic. He has done Masters’ thrice and a course in hadith. He is now giving examination of C.S.S.

The same day he applied from house to the Oxford University through the Internet and only 30,000 Rupees were spent and he went abroad. Now he is teaching in that university and he is so well settled that you cannot imagine. He used to call me sister and never came to my house alone. Before, he used to come with his mother and now that the mother has passed away, he comes with his wife. Now I recite this for my children too. When Ahsan’s mother told me about this deed, my son used to be in the fifth grade. My in-laws are landlords. One day my son said to his father,”Take me to Dubai, my friends have seen the whole world. I haven’t even seen Dubai.” My husband took them all to Dubai. There all of my children said that they wanted to stay in a five star hotel. Then I observed that my daughters feel badly about everything. They didn’t want to have a small car. I felt very annoyed at this. Now I recite one tasbih of  ربنا ہب لن  which has been completed above. I recite with full concentration and cordially. Believe me, since when I have recited this, my daughter who studies in Kinnaird College, goes to the college even in a Suzuki van. Now she says that it is a burden for the driver and costs a lot of fuel, now she goes with a van. Meaning, the ones who used to say before that they wouldn’t go on a small car, now commute with a van. Other than this, now when my son goes for exams, he kisses my feet. Till the time he does not kiss my feet, he remains restless. He also kisses the hands of his father. I have tested this wazifa on my children what is bigger than this. This is such an elevated verse that you should make your own observations about it because this is the biggest problem of these days. People’s children have crossed limits these days.

Redemption From Bad Effects

I have a relative whose daughter is good looking and beautiful. She has bad effects on her. She asked me as to what to do about them? I told them about two verses. . These verses should be read and dum should be made on water and given to the child to drink. By the will of Allah the daughter will heal in a few days. And this is what happened, after the fifth day the daughter healed from the fever.

Redemption from Drug and Addiction

رَبِّ اَعُوْذُ بِکَ مِنْ ہَمَزٰتِ الشَّیٰطِیْنِ وَ اَعُوْذُ بِکَ رَبِّ اَنْ یَّحْضُرُوْنِ ﴿المومنون 97تا98﴾


These verses redeem a person from drugs and addiction. No matter how much a person is addicted, make dum on him by reciting 7 times, by the will of Allah his habitual addiction will go away. When doing this deed do not tell the addicted as they feel bad. Many children nowadays start falling in love even in childhood; this deed is very good for them too. You can recite these verses and make dum on water which the whole family can drink; 7 times after every prayer. Recite any durood sharif 3 times before and after.

By the Will of Allah a Guaranteed Son

In our house a scholar comes to teach my children. He told us to recite surahs Mudassir, Muzammil and Maryam in the morning at the time of prayers. Not that you should recite it when you have time. You have to ray on time and recite these surahs. And make dum on water and drink it. And do it for complete nine months. And surah Muhammad is to be recited after Asr prayer. He said that it is guaranteed that if you do not leave these you will have a son. he said that he had told about it to 12 people and all of them had sons.

I started reciting this and Allah gave me a son and a daughter. After this whoever I have told about surah Muzammil, Maryam and Mudassir, Allah has given everyone each one of them a son. People do not recite it, but whoever has recited has gotten a son. In recent past I told about it to a friend of mine and Allah has given her a son. She has named her Muhammad. You think about naming your son Muhammad and you will definitely have a son.

Redemption From a False Allegation

Pray two nawaafil for need when you say the prayer of Ishraaq. And make a prayer at that time. You have to do this only.

For Ending a Verbal Dispute

For ending disputes   صُمٌّۢ بُکْمٌ عُمْیٌ فَہُمْ لَایَتَکَلَّمُوْن . Hakeem sahib! this is my well tested wazifa. I have tested it on at least 100 people. If any person is speaking against you in any context, you will get to know. This has to be recited 41 times for one person. If any person is using his tongue against you, recite for 41 times only one day and make dum on that person by imagining him in the mind. After that this person cannot speak against you in life. He gets so dumbfounded and quite. I have tested this. But this deed should not be done unnecessarily, without a justifiable reason.

I have tested it myself on 10–11 people. I have told about it to my cousins and relatives. Rather we have an uncle who is a homeopathic doctor, I have told him too. One day he started saying about the shopkeeper next door is bad mouthing a lot against him these days. And that he was quite sick of him. I said to him, “DoctorSahib, you are yourself quite a literate person. You should recite this too. That doctor rang me himself and told me that he became very quiet. After this I told about it to many people and recited myself too. And every one was affected. And this is a very small thing and not very special as well.

A Cure for the Pain in Bones

I have recently tested this method on my mother. My mother had pain in the knees. I read this deed in a magazine. After praying two nawaafil recite surah Yasin 3 times. My mother says that you have told me something magical. She says that I pray by sitting and recite this surah and rub my hands on my knees. My pain has substantially subsided. Now she says that she can sit and stand very comfortably.

A Prayer for Removing Fear

It is my personal experience that I used to be scared of jinns and demons since childhood. I don’t go on roof. But now I read this aayat kareema and I comfortably climb the stairs and go on the roof. Otherwise, till the time I did not use to take a servant or a child along with me, I could not climb the stairs. Now I recite this and go to the roof alone.

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